Alabama Mushroom Society

2024 AMS Morel Foray

  • 30 Mar 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Greater Birmingham Area
  • 0


Registration is closed

Are you hoping to find morels this year?! Come join us for our annual MEMBERS ONLY Morel Foray!! An annual AMS membership covers you, your spouse and minor children (Your spouse and children who are listed on you AMS membership are who can be registered as 'guests'.) We will be foraging in an area that is confirmed to produce morels. There is a $5 PER PERSON CASH donation to support land management that we will collect at the event, please plan to pay in CASH and in exact change. This is a no wicker basket event (we don't want to give away what we are doing to the general public, as we have special permission to forage for this event. Foraging is not allowed by the public in this area!). The specific location in the greater Birmingham area will be emailed out to REGISTERED members by 7pm the EVENING BEFORE THE EVENT. Please do not send emails and messages asking for the location before this time and please double check your spam folder before emailing.

Not a member yet? Go sign up now! 

Registering for this event shall be considered equivalent in law to affirmatively taking action to electronically or physically sign the AMS Liability Waiver provided to you in the registration of this event and shall be considered agreement to indemnify and hold harmless AMS, its volunteers, staff and partners as outlined within the Liability Waiver.

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